Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Providing a Foundation for the Future
The Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri (HAKC), established in 1941, provides decent, affordable housing for eligible low-income families, people with disabilities, and the elderly through 1,722 Public Housing units and manages 10,000 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) for area landlords. Housing Choice Vouchers, previously Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, funded by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HAKC is governed by seven Board of Commissioners and serves Jackson County along with the Kansas City, Missouri Metropolitan Area.
Resident Services
The Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri offers Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)/Section 8 assistance. Resident Services offer family self-sufficiency programs, youth programs, adult programs, elderly programs, persons with disabilities programs and much more.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri is to develop, maintain, and manage quality affordable housing in a manner that promotes equal opportunity, fair housing and the deconcentration of race and poverty. In accomplishing this goal, HAKC is committed to maintaining it developments as affordable housing assets that can meet the needs of low-income households in the long term and serve as viable community resources promoting economic independence and self-sufficiency for its residents. The Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri is also committed to promoting resident economic self-sufficiency and improving community quality of life and economic viability.